Certarus和RNG Moovers同意提供可再生天然气

   2021-04-01 互联网讯


核心提示:     据管道新闻网3月31日消息称,根据Cetarus与RNG Movers达成的一份为期五年的合同,Certarus将负责

     据管道新闻网3月31日消息称,根据Cetarus与RNG Movers达成的一份为期五年的合同,Certarus将负责将加州几个奶牛场的可再生天然气(RNG)输送到天然气管道注入点,这将有助于满足对低碳强度燃料日益增长的需求。这是Aria Energy和BP Products North America合资的一个项目。

    Certarus总裁兼首席执行官Curtis Philippon表示:“参与RNG Moovers项目的每个合作伙伴都拥有独特的技能和经验,使捕获甲烷、生产沼气并将其交付市场成为可能。RNG领域的主要开发商使Certarus能够展示我们在安全运输高压气体方面的能力,同时能够促进RNG市场的发展。”


    Aria Energy总裁兼首席执行官Richard DiGia表示:“与Certarus这样的世界级组织合作,在无法通过管道运输的地方提供物流运输沼气,,这是Aria继续开发低碳燃料资源的关键之一。”


    朱佳妮 摘译自 管道新闻网


    Certarus, RNG Moovers Agree on Delivery of Renewable Natural Gas

    Certarus will be responsible for the delivery of renewable natural gas (RNG) from several dairy farms in California to gas pipeline injection points, where it will help to meet the growing demand for lower carbon intensity fuel, according to a five-year contract Cetarus agreed to with RNG Moovers, a project under the joint venture between Aria Energy and BP Products North America.

    "Each of the partners involved in the RNG Moovers project bring a unique set of skills and experience that make it possible to capture methane, produce biogas, and deliver it to market,” said Certarus President and CEO Curtis Philippon. “Being able to support major developers in the RNG space allows Certarus to demonstrate our capabilities in the safe transportation of high-pressure gases, while enabling the growth of the RNG market.”

    Certarus provides a cost-effective solution to make RNG distribution viable even when a pipeline is not available, he said.

    "Partnering with world class organizations like Certarus to provide logistics transporting biogas where pipelines are not viable is one of the keys to continued execution of Aria's development of low carbon fuel resources," said Richard DiGia, President and CEO of Aria Energy.

    Producing biogas from farm waste, rather than allowing it to decompose and release methane into the atmosphere, helps to lower harmful greenhouse gas emissions. When produced from agricultural sources, RNG is a carbon-negative fuel solution that can be utilized by transportation companies working to cut their carbon footprint.

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