
   2023-08-01 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据世界石油网2023年7月28日报道,奥地利石油天然气集团(OMV)7月28日宣布Wittau Tief-2a勘探井是一个已获

据世界石油网2023年7月28日报道,奥地利石油天然气集团(OMV)7月28日宣布Wittau Tief-2a勘探井是一个已获确认的新天然气发现。OMV运营的这口勘探井位于奥地利南部,经过5个月的钻井作业,最终深度达到5000米。

OMV执行董事会主席兼首席执行官Alfred Stern表示:“我们勘探钻井的积极成果对OMV及其客户来说是令人兴奋的消息。随着我们继续致力于实现天然气供应来源多样化的战略,这一新的天然气发现标志着我们对客户的天然气供应作出了重大贡献,特别是在奥地利,预计我们在当地的天然气产量将增加。”




李峻 译自 世界石油网


OMV makes largest natural gas discovery in 40 years in Austria

OMV announced the Wittau Tief-2a exploration well to be a confirmed new natural gas discovery. The OMV-operated well is located in lower Austria and was drilled at a final depth of 5,000 meters after five months of operations.

“The positive result of our exploration is exciting news for OMV and its customers. As we continue to work on our strategy to diversify our supply sources of natural gas, this new find marks a major contribution to the natural gas supply of our customers especially in Austria, with an expected increase of our local production,” said Alfred Stern, Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO of OMV AG.

A preliminary evaluation indicates potential recoverable resources of approximately 28 MMboe. After full development of the discovery, OMV expects its natural gas production in Austria to increase by 50%.

OMV is currently considering different options to further appraise the field, as well as a fast-track development in conjunction with the OMV-operated natural gas facility in Aderklaa, situated 10 km from the new discovery.

The discovery was announced on the same day that OMV signed a 10-year LNG deal with bp. 

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