
   2022-08-04 互联网综合消息




这家意大利油气生产商的潜在项目将补充其停泊在莫桑比克北部海岸的70亿美元的Coral-Sul FLNG平台,该平台计划于今年开始出口燃料。

埃尼集团自然资源首席运营官Guido Brusco上周在接受彭博社在线采访时表示:“这是一个开发其资源并带来可观收入的绝佳机会。这也是欧洲实现供应多样化的一个大好机会。在这种情况下,一个可以在不到四年的时间内交付的项目拥有巨大的机会窗口。”

在做出最终投资决定之前,该公司需要与埃克森美孚公司、莫桑比克国有企业Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos等合作伙伴达成协议。埃尼负责海上项目,埃克森美孚负责陆上资产。ENH没有回复记者的置评请求。

曹海斌 摘译自 世界石油


Eni plans second LNG platform offshore Mozambique as Europe seeks gas

Eni SpA is planning a second liquefied natural gas production vessel offshore Mozambique that could be built in less than four years to help Europe diversify supplies of the fuel, according to a company executive.

The Italian oil and gas producer’s potential project would complement its $7-billion Coral-Sul FLNG platform moored off Mozambique’s northern coast that’s scheduled to start exporting the fuel this year.

“This is a great opportunity, to develop its resources and bring significant revenues,” Guido Brusco, Eni’s chief operating officer of natural resources said in an online interview with Bloomberg last week. “It is also a great opportunity for Europe to diversify their supplies. In this context, a project that could be delivered in less than four years has a tremendous opportunity window.” 

Before reaching a final investment decision, the company will need to agree to with partners including ExxonMobil Corp.,and Mozambican state-owned Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos. Eni is responsible for offshore projects with ExxonMobil in charge of onshore assets. ENH didn’t respond to questions seeking comment.

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