尽管需求强劲 但亚洲液化天然气价格回落

   2022-05-17 互联网综合消息



据中东北非财经新闻网2022年5月15日报道,5月13日,布伦特原油期货价格上涨4.10美元,报收于每桶111.55美元。 美国西得克萨斯中质(WTI)原油期货价格上涨4.36美元,报收于110.49美元。 本周WTI原油上涨0.7%,布伦特原油下跌0.7%。

在美国,上周库存连续第6周下降,汽油期货价格飙升至历史最高水平。 这导致汽油裂解价差(衡量炼油利润率的一个指标)推高至自2020年4月创纪录以来的最高水平,当时WTI收于负值区间。





李峻 编译自 中东北非财经新闻网


Asian LNG Prices Ease Despite Firm Demand

Brent futures rose $4.10, to settle at $111.55 a barrel. US West Texas Intermediate crude rose $4.36, to settle at $110.49. For the week, WTI gained 0.7 percent, while Brent fell 0.7 percent.

In the US, gasoline futures soared to an all-time high after stockpiles fell last week for a sixth straight week. That boosted the gasoline crack spread - a measure of refining profit margins - to its highest since it hit a record in April 2020 when WTI finished in negative territory.

Pressuring oil prices, coupled with inflation and rate rises, drove the US dollar, last week, to a near 20-year high against a basket of currencies, making oil more expensive when purchased in other currencies.

Asian spot liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices inched down last week despite some spot procurement activities by utilities and traders from Japan, Korea, and India to replenish stocks.

The average LNG price for June delivery into north-east Asia was estimated at $23.35 per metric million British thermal units (mmBtu), around $0.55 lower than the previous week, industry sources said.

In Europe, LNG prices continued to trade at a record discount to Benchmark Dutch TTF gas, European LNG prices were assessed at $22.15 per mmBtu for June deliveries to Northwest Europe, equivalent to a $10 per mmBtu discount to the June TTF contract, analysts said.

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