康菲石油提交北海Eldfisk North项目开发计划

   2022-05-11 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据NS ENERGY 5月10日消息,康菲石油公司及其在北海大埃科菲斯克地区的合作伙伴已向挪威石油和能源部提交了1

据NS ENERGY 5月10日消息,康菲石油公司及其在北海大埃科菲斯克地区的合作伙伴已向挪威石油和能源部提交了105亿挪威克朗(12亿美元)Eldfisk North项目的开发和运营计划(PDO)。

这家总部位于美国的公司是大埃科菲斯克地区的运营商,通过其子公司康菲石油公司持有35.1% 的股份。其合作伙伴包括TotalEnergies EP Norge (39.9%)、Equinor Energy (7.6%)和Petoro (5%)。

Eldfisk North项目旨在开发埃科菲斯克油田的额外资源,该油田自1971年以来一直在生产。

根据康菲石油公司的说法,开发概念包括安装一个海底生产系统(SPS),该系统有 14口井。其中九口井将成为生产井,而其他五口井将成为注水井。

康菲石油公司计划通过海底回接将Eldfisk North项目与埃科菲斯克综合设施连接起来。


康菲石油公司表示,与Eldfisk North开发项目有关的新绿地设施将安装在埃科菲斯克综合设施以北近7公里处。



“Eldfisk North项目将利用现有基础设施中的备用加工和运输能力,降低整体温室气体排放强度,并增加埃科菲斯克油田的资源回收和价值创造。”


上个月,挪威石油和能源部批准康菲石油公司将其在大埃科菲斯克地区的生产许可证(PL) 018、018 B和275从2028年延长至2048年。

埃科菲斯克油田位于PL 018区块,延长后其寿命可能会延长至近80年。

祝精燕 摘译自 NS ENERGY


ConocoPhillips submits PDO for $1.2bn Eldfisk North project

ConocoPhillips and its partners in the Greater Ekofisk Area in the North Sea have submitted a plan for development and operation (PDO) for the NOK10.5bn ($1.2bn) Eldfisk North project to the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.

The US-based company is the operator of the Greater Ekofisk Area through its subsidiary ConocoPhillips Skandinavia with a stake of 35.1%. Its partners include TotalEnergies EP Norge (39.9%), Equinor Energy (7.6%), and Petoro (5%).

The Eldfisk North project aims to exploit the additional resources in the Eldfisk field, which has been producing since 1971.

According to ConocoPhillips, the development concept involves the installation of a three-by-six slot subsea production system (SPS) with 14 wells. Nine of the wells will be producers, while the other five are going to be water injectors.

ConocoPhillips plans to connect the Eldfisk North project to the Eldfisk complex through a subsea tieback.

The company estimates the resource potential of the new offshore Norwegian project to be in the range of 50-90 million barrels of oil equivalent.

ConocoPhillips said that the new greenfield facilities pertaining to the Eldfisk North development will be installed nearly 7km north of the Eldfisk complex.

The greenhouse gas emissions intensity of the project is projected to be 7kg CO2 per barrel oil equivalent.

“The Eldfisk North Project will utilise spare processing and transportation capacity in existing infrastructure, reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions intensity and increase resource recovery and value creation in the Eldfisk Field.”

ConocoPhillips claimed that contracts awarded for the project are expected to create nearly 4,000-4,500 jobs. The energy major said that 80% of the contracts’ value for the development as well as operations phases will go to Norwegian firms.

Last month, ConocoPhillips Skandinavia was granted an extension by the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy for its production licenses (PLs) 018, 018 B, and 275 in the Greater Ekofisk Area from 2028 to 2048.

The Eldfisk field is located in PL 018 and its lifetime can be potentially extended to nearly 80 years, following the extension.

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