
   2022-03-03 互联网综合消息




该井(35/9-16S)正在由CIMC拥有并由Odfjell Drilling运营的半潜式钻井平台Deepsea Yantai进行钻探。哈姆雷特勘探区位于 Gjøa 油田以北7公里处,在海王星运营的 PL153 许可证内。

挪威海王星能源公司的地下主管Steinar Meland说:“哈姆雷特是一个有趣的前景,它符合我们的勘探战略,即关注现有基础设施附近核心区域内的机会。这可以缩短从发现到生产的交货时间,降低成本和碳排放,并有助于我们现有许可证的成熟和补充。”

哈姆雷特位于挪威Florø以西 58 公里处,水深 358 米(190 英尺),位于海王星的核心区域之一,靠近现有基础设施。储层目标是下白垩统 Agat 组,预计深度约为 2600 米。


朱佳妮 摘译自 世界石油


Neptune Energy begins drilling Hamlet exploration well

Neptune Energy and partners announced drilling has commenced on the Hamlet exploration well in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.

The well (35/9-16S) is being drilled by the Deepsea Yantai, a semi-submersible rig, owned by CIMC and operated by Odfjell Drilling. The Hamlet prospect is located 7 km north of the Gjøa field within the Neptune-operated PL153 Licence.

“Hamlet is an interesting prospect and it is in keeping with our exploration strategy of focusing on opportunities within core areas near existing infrastructure,” said Steinar Meland, Neptune Energy’s Director of Subsurface in Norway. “This can offer a short lead time from discovery to production, reduce costs and carbon emissions and help mature and replenish our current licenses."

Located 58 kilometers (36 miles) west of Florø, Norway, at a water depth of 358 meters (190 feet), Hamlet is positioned in one of Neptune’s core areas and close to existing infrastructure. The reservoir target is the Lower Cretaceous Agat Formation and is expected to be reached at a depth of approximately 2,600 metres.

The drilling program comprises a main-bore (35/9-16S) with an optional side-track (35/9-16A) based on the outcome of the exploration well.

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