
   2022-01-06 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据1月5日Oil Now报道,圭亚那环保署(EPA)将很快推出一种新的技术系统,使其能够实时监测近海勘探和生产活动

据1月5日Oil Now报道,圭亚那环保署(EPA)将很快推出一种新的技术系统,使其能够实时监测近海勘探和生产活动。目前,该系统正在测试中,并可能在未来几天正式推出。

该机构执行董事Kemraj Parsram在之前的一次采访中表示,他们的目标是建立一个能够实现远程监控的系统,从而无需安排一个大型团队在海上全天候工作。他指出,“因此,我们不只是依赖于运营商发送给我们的信息,我们还可以实时获得这些数据”。

环保署已经在与Stabroek Block运营商埃克森美孚进行谈判,后者正计划在陆上铺设光缆,以帮助连接。此外,环保署通过联合国开发计划署管理的一个项目,获得了建立基础设施和联网的支持,使监测记录核查系统项目得以实施。



王佳晶 摘译自 Oil Now


EPA real time monitoring system to be launched soon

Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will soon launch a new technology system that will allow it to monitor the offshore exploration and production activities in real time.

OilNOW understands the system is being tested and is likely to be officially launched in the coming days.

Executive Director of the agency, Kemraj Parsram, told OilNOW in a previous interview the objective is to have a system in place that would allow for remote monitoring that in turn would negate the need to have a large team offshore 24/7.

“So, we are not just depending on what an operator is sending to us, but we can have that data in real time,” he pointed out.

He said the EPA is already in talks with Stabroek Block operator ExxonMobil, who is planning to bring a fibre optic cable onshore to assist with connectivity.

Additionally, the EPA, through a project that is being managed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has been benefiting from support to build its infrastructure and networking capabilities to bring the Monitoring Recording Verification System project on stream.

The introduction of the new technology will significantly boost the EPA’s capabilities to monitor offshore oil and gas operations and comes at a time when Guyana’s second oil production vessel will soon begin production.

Additionally, exploration activities in multiple blocks offshore will ramp up this year as the search for more hydrocarbons in the South American country intensifies.

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