
   2021-12-20 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据能源经济12月17日消息称,林德印度董事会已批准一项总资本支出为 2.87 亿卢比的提案,用于为其商用空气分

据能源经济12月17日消息称,林德印度董事会已批准一项总资本支出为 2.87 亿卢比的提案,用于为其商用空气分离装置采购可再生能源。

该公司在一份声明中表示,它将通过在适当时候设立的特殊用途车辆 (SPV) 与指定的太阳能发电公司签订合资协议,以符合绿色能源的强制性消费者资格。


它补充说,董事会还批准了林德印度公司计划收购合资企业 SPV 的股权,通过太阳能和风力发电机为空分设施提供可再生能源,限购不超过26%。

曹海斌 摘译自 能源经济


Linde to invest over Rs 28cr to source renewable energy

The board of directors of Linde India has approved a proposal for aggregate capital expenditure of Rs 28.7 crore for sourcing renewable power for its merchant air separation units. 

The company, in a statement, said it will enter into joint venture agreements with identified solar power generating companies through special purpose vehicles (SPVs) to be set up in due course to qualify as a captive consumer of green energy.

The board, in its December 15 meeting, approved the proposal for aggregate capital expenditure of Rs 287 million (Rs 28.7 crore) for souring renewable power (solar or wind) for merchant air separation units owned or operated by Linde India in Taloja in Maharashtra and Dahej in Gujarat and the under-construction plant in Sri City in Andhra Pradesh, according to the company statement issued on Thursday.

The board has also approved Linde India's plan to acquire equity in the joint venture SPVs up to a limit of 26 per cent with solar and wind power generators for supply of renewable energy to the air separation facilities, it added.

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