
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据管道天然气杂志网7月30日路透社报道,随着越来越多的消费者寻求从污染严重的化石燃料转向无碳能源过

   据管道&天然气杂志网7月30日路透社报道,随着越来越多的消费者寻求从污染严重的化石燃料转向无碳能源过渡,美国电力公司Entergy Corp希望在德克萨斯州建造一座能同时燃烧天然气和氢气的发电厂。


  Entergy 周四在一份新闻稿中表示,其拟议的1215兆瓦Orange County 工厂将位于 Bridge City附近,其靠近德克萨斯州-路易斯安那州边界附近的墨西哥湾海岸。

  不产生二氧化碳排放的氢,已经被Entergy的几家大型工业客户使用,可以储存在附近的设施中,比如Entergy Texas的spinletop存储设施。


  德克萨斯州Entergy公司的总裁兼首席执行官萨利·雷纳(Sallie Rainer)在新闻稿中表示,我们的地区是氢气生产商、管道、储存和工业用户的家园。


  Entergy 表示,在未来几个月内,该公司打算寻求德克萨斯州公用事业委员会( Public Utility Commission 即PUC)的批准。如果 PUC批准该申请,其将于2023年第二季度开工建设,预计将于2026年夏季投入使用。

  郝芬 译自 管道&天然气杂志网


  Entergy Seeks to Build NatGas/Hydrogen Power Plant in Texas

  U.S. electric company Entergy Corp wants to build a power plant in Texas capable of burning a combination of natural gas and hydrogen as more consumers seek to transition from dirty fossil fuels to carbon-free sources of energy.

  This is just one of several hydrogen projects that U.S. utilities are developing. But before hydrogen can displace fossil fuels, analysts say governments need legislation and regulation to push energy firms to spend the billions needed to reduce the cost of producing clean or green hydrogen.

  Entergy said in a release on Thursday that its proposed 1,215-megawatt (MW) Orange County plant will be located near Bridge City, which is close to the Gulf Coast near the Texas-Louisiana border.

  Hydrogen, which produces no carbon dioxide emissions, is already used by several of Entergy's large industrial customers and can be stored nearby in facilities like Entergy Texas's Spindletop storage facility.

  Most of that hydrogen, like most produced around the world, comes from fossil fuels so is not considered green hydrogen, which comes from non-carbon-emitting sources.

  "Our region is home to hydrogen producers, pipelines, storage and industrial users," Sallie Rainer, president and chief executive of Entergy Texas, said in the release.

  Construction of the plant will provide more than 7,000 direct jobs and nearly $1.8 billion in economic activity to the regional economy. once operating, it will provide about 27 direct jobs and be capable of producing enough power for more than 230,000 homes.

  Entergy said in coming months it intends to seek approval to build the plant from the Public Utility Commission of Texas. If the PUC approves the application, Entergy said it will start construction in the second quarter of 2023 with the plant expected to enter service by the summer of 2026.

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