
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据能源经济8月10日消息称,国有ONGC常常被视为印度原油和天然气产量的拖累者,但过去3年,该公司在印


  周一,印度石油和自然部长Rameswar Teli在对人民院一个问题的书面答复中说:“ONGC的原油产量占该国原油总产量的份额从2018-19年的61.7%上升到2020-21年的66.5%。” 天然气也是如此。



  onGC 在 2018-19 年的产量为2111万吨,而全国产量为3420万吨。2020-21年,它生产了2027.3万吨,而全国产量为3049万吨。他说:“ONGC的天然气产量占该国天然气总产量的份额从2018-19年的75.3%上升到2020-21年的77.1%。”

  该公司在 2018-19 年的天然气产量为247.4亿立方米,而全国的天然气产量为328.7亿立方米。在 2020-21 年,该公司的产量为220.9亿立方米,而全国产量为286.7亿立方米。

  朱佳妮 摘译自 能源经济


  ONGC’s share in India’s oil, gas production rises

  State-owned ONGC, which is often perceived as a drag on the crude oil and natural gas produced in the country, has actually seen its share in India’s oil and gas production rise over the last three years.

  “The share of ONGC's crude oil production in the country’s total crude oil output has increased from 61.7% in 2018-19 to 66.5% in 2020-21,” minister of state for petroleum and natural sas Rameswar Teli said in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha on Monday. The same was also true for gas.

  Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) operates the country’s oldest fields where a natural decline in output has set in. Other major fields in the country too are facing similar issues, leading to lower production as a whole. According to the minister’s reply, ONGC’s production has declined but it is slower than the national average.

  “Challenges faced in operation of exploration and production (E&P) activities are generic and onGC is taking appropriate steps to address these,” he said.

  onGC produced 21.11 million tonne out of the national output of 34.2 million tonne in 2018-19. In 2020-21, it produced 20.273 million tonne out of the national output of 30.49 million tonne. “The share of ONGC’s natural gas production in the country’s total natural gas output has increased from 75.3% in 2018-19 to 77.1% in 2020-21,” he said.

  It produced 24.74 billion cubic meters of gas out of the national production of 32.87 bcm in 2018-19. In 2020-21, it produced 22.09 bcm out of 28.67 bcm national output.

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