
   2021-07-13 互联网讯


核心提示:   据7月1日oil now消息:卡塔尔石油公司是最新在圭亚那-苏里南盆地占地的石油和天然气公司之一,该公司

   据7月1日oil now消息:卡塔尔石油公司是最新在圭亚那-苏里南盆地占地的石油和天然气公司之一,该公司将为其位于卡塔尔半岛东北岸的North Field LNG扩建项目投入2亿美元用于减排技术。这是根据该公司的债券招股说明书得出的。

  招股说明书列出了“温室气体减排措施,包括安装二氧化碳捕集和存储系统、从太阳能发电厂进口电力、最大化的废热回收,利用最新可用技术提高机器效率,以及使用超低氮氧化物燃烧器。 ”

  苏里南国家石油公司(statatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V.)于6月18日宣布,根据产量分成合同,在最近的苏里南海上招标中,石油公司获得了两个海上区块。其中包括雪佛龙勘探苏里南有限公司和一个由卡塔尔石油公司(20%)、TotalEnergies(40%)和Statsolie(40%)组成的财团。

  卡塔尔石油公司能源事务大臣兼总裁Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi表示,该公司很高兴获得苏里南区块的开采权,这是该公司首次进入苏里南。


  卡塔尔石油公司在North Field项目的减排计划旨在到2030年将其液化天然气设施的总净碳强度降低25%,并将其上游设施的净碳强度降低15%。






  冯娟 摘译自 oil now


  Qatar Petroleum to spend $200 million on emissions reduction technology

  Qatar Petroleum, one of the latest oil and gas companies to take up acreage in the Guyana-Suriname Basin, will spend $200 million on emissions reduction technology for its North Field LNG expansion project off the north-east shore of the Qatar peninsula. This is according to the company’s bond prospectus.

  The prospectus lists “greenhouse gas reduction measures including the installation of a CO2 capture and sequestration system, power import from solar power plants, maximization of waste heat recovery, improved machines efficiency utilizing latest available technology, and the use of ultra-low NOx burners.”

  Suriname state oil company Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V. announced on June 18 that oil companies were awarded two offshore blocks under Production Sharing Contracts as part of the recent Suriname offshore bid round. These include Chevron Exploration Suriname Limited and a consortium comprising Qatar Petroleum (20%), TotalEnergies (Operator – 40%) and Staatsolie (40%).

  Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, Minister of State for Energy Affairs and President of Qatar Petroleum said the company is pleased to be awarded exploration rights in the Suriname blocks which represents its first entry into Suriname.

  Qatar Petroleum is also reported to have entered into an agreement with Total for a share of exploration and production rights in two blocks offshore Guyana.

  Qatar Petroleum’s emissions reduction programme at the North Field project aims to reduce the overall net carbon intensity of its LNG facilities by 25%, and that of its upstream facilities by 15% by 2030.

  This comes at a time when oil and gas companies around the world are under pressure to reduce emissions and divert spending to cleaner technologies.

  To achieve net zero emission by 2050, governments will undoubtably have to rely on the expertise and cooperation of the six largest private oil companies in the world: ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and Total, writes Co-Director of Americas Market Intelligence energy practice, Arthur Deakin, in his most recent column published on OilNOW. Known as “Big Oil,” these companies are responsible for 15% of the world’s oil and gas supply and have over 600 years of accumulated experience managing and producing energy.

  He said ExxonMobil, operator at Guyana’s Stabroek Block and its American counterparts are pioneering carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies and prioritizing cleaner crude reservoirs with lower breakeven costs.

  “The Stabroek block’s breakeven cost is between U$25-35 p/barrel, and its reserves are mostly composed of light to medium, sweet crude that is easier and cheaper to refine. These fuels are not only experiencing increased demanded across the globe, but they also generate less emissions and higher profits,” Deakin stated. “By eliminating routine flaring and decarbonizing its FPSOs, Exxon can pave a low-carbon path for Guyana.”

  Notwithstanding challenges the oil major has been having with a faulty gas compressor system on its Guyana FPSO, the company has said the floating production unit and others to come, are designed to avoid routine flaring.

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