
   2021-03-17 互联网讯


核心提示:     据世界石油3月15日墨西哥城报道,墨国油(Pemex)在塔巴斯科(Tabasco)发现了一个预计储量达10亿桶油


    Pemex首席执行官奥克塔维奥 罗梅罗 奥罗佩萨(Octavio Romero Oropeza)周日晚间接受墨西哥国有广播系统负责人杰纳罗?维拉米尔(Jenaro Villamil)采访时称,如果将墨西哥湾南部的新油田与附近的矿藏结合起来,其规模与其他发现的数十亿桶石油储量相仿。


    以大多数标准来衡量,这家国有石油公司的境况比其83年历史上的任何时候都要糟糕。自本世纪初以来,其产量急剧下降,债务高达1130亿美元,是所有大型石油公司中最高的。该公司扭转生产的策略未能打动投资者,惠誉评级(Fitch Ratings)和穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody 's investors Service Inc.)将其债券评级下调至垃圾级。

    裘寅 编译自 世界石油


    Pemex discovers new billion-barrel oil field in Tabasco

    Petroleos Mexicanos discovered what’s expected to be a billion-barrel oil field in Tabasco as it aims to reverse a decade and a half of sinking production.

    The new field at the southern part of the Gulf of Mexico, when combined with nearby deposits, is similar in size to other billion-barrel discoveries, Pemex CEO Octavio Romero Oropeza said in an interview with Jenaro Villamil, head of Mexico’s state-owned broadcasting system, on Sunday night.

    “It’s a gigantic field,” said Romero, comparing it to the recently discovered gas and condensate fields Quesqui, with 900 million barrels of oil equivalent, as well as Ixachi, with 1.9 billion. He said that Pemex will provide more details about the discovery on March 18, the nationally celebrated anniversary of Mexico’s 1930s expropriation of oil companies.

    By most measures, the state-owned oil company is worse off than at any time in its nearly 83-year history. Its output has fallen sharply since the early years of this century and its debt -- at $113 billion -- is the highest of any major oil company. Its strategy to turn around production has failed to impress investors, and its bonds have been downgraded to junk by Fitch Ratings and Moody’s Investors Service Inc.

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