
   2021-02-26 互联网讯


核心提示:     据油价网2月24日消息称,周三,欧洲最大的可再生能源开发商之一表示,西班牙公用事业巨头Iberdrol



    Iberdrola董事长Ignacio Galán在一份声明中说:“在这十年里,我们计划投资1500亿欧元,使我们的可再生能源产能增加两倍,网络资产增加一倍。”




    Iberdrola公司预计,绿氢将成为公司未来10年的另一个主要增长领域,这与法国石油巨头道达尔的观点相呼应,其首席执行长Patrick Pouyanné本周说,这家超级巨头对氢有着“巨大的兴趣”,并致力于成为大型生产商。


    朱佳妮 摘译自 油价网


    This Spanish Renewables Giant Is Investing $182 Billion To Triple Capacity

    Spanish utility giant Iberdrola plans to invest US$182 billion (150 billion euro) to triple its renewable capacity by 2030, one of the biggest developers of renewable energy in Europe said on Wednesday as it reported a rise in net profit and investments in renewables in 2020.

    Last year, Iberdrola invested a record US$11.2 billion (9.24 billion euro), up by 13 percent compared to the previous year. As much as 91 percent of the investment went into developing new renewables projects and electricity networks.

    “In this decade, we plan to invest €150 billion to triple our renewable capacity and double our network assets,” Iberdrola’s chairman Ignacio Galán said in a statement.

    Iberdrola is now building on its investment plan through 2025, which envisages US$91 billion (75 billion euro) in investments within five years, and is doubling the spending to reach US$182 billion (150 billion euro) by 2030.

    The investment is expected to boost the company’s installed capacity to 95 gigawatts (GW) by 2030, and to double the current capacity to 60 GW in 2025.

    As part of the European Union’s (EU) recovery funds, Iberdrola proposes 150 projects in Spain alone, including in green generation projects, smart grids, storage, and energy efficiency through electrification.

    Iberdrola expects green hydrogen to be another major growth area for the company in the coming decade, echoing the view of French oil giant Total, whose chief executive Patrick Pouyanné said this week that the supermajor had “huge interest in hydrogen” and aims to be a large producer at scale.

    Three months ago, another European utility giant, Italy’s Enel, said it plans to invest as much as US$194 billion (160 billion euro) by 2030 in boosting renewable power generation, decarbonization, and grid infrastructure as part of a new plan to become a “Super Major” in renewables.

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