
   2021-07-22 互联网讯


核心提示:   据ICIS-MRC网站7月12日报道,据路透社报道,荷兰皇家壳牌同意出售其在德国东部炼油厂PCK Schwedt的股

   据ICIS-MRC网站7月12日报道,据路透社报道,荷兰皇家壳牌同意出售其在德国东部炼油厂PCK Schwedt的股份,这是这家英荷公司能源转型战略的一部分。

  壳牌在一份声明中表示,将该炼油厂37.5%的股份出售给总部位于维也纳的Alcmene GmbH,具体金额不详。Alcmene GmbH是总部位于爱沙尼亚的综合物流和投资公司Liwathon Group的一部分。



  正如MRC之前所写,今年5月,壳牌宣布出售其位于美国华盛顿的Anacortes炼油厂,以及在德克萨斯州迪尔帕克(Deer Park )的合资炼油厂的控股权。该公司还出售了位于阿拉巴马州莫比尔(Mobile)的化工精炼厂。

  该公司还计划将其位于新加坡的布肯岛( Pulau Bu kom )炼油厂的产能削减一半。该声明称,此次交易将由 Shell Deutschland GmbH 执行,不会对壳牌在德国的其他利益产生任何影响。


  俄罗斯石油和埃尼分别拥有Schwedt PCK (Petrolchemisches Kombinat) 54.17%和8.33%的股权,该公司位于柏林东北约120公里处。壳牌称,该公司目前每天加工22 万桶石油。

  郝芬 译自 ICIS-MRC


  Shell to sell its German refinery stake as part of its energy transition strategy

  Royal Dutch Shell agreed to sell its stake in eastern German refinery PCK Schwedt, the latest in a string of refinery disposals as part of the Anglo-Dutch company's energy transition strategy, reported Reuters.

  Shell said in a statement that it will sell its 37.5% share in the refinery for an undisclosed sum to Vienna-based Alcmene GmbH, part of the Liwathon Group, an integrated logistics and investment business headquartered in Estonia.

  The deal is expected to close in the second half of 2021, pending approval by cartel authorities and its partners, Russia's Rosneft and Italy's Eni.

  The disposal is part of Shell's strategy to reduce its global refinery portfolio to those core locations that could be integrated into future centres of Shell's operations, as it aims to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2050 at the latest.

  As MRC wrote before, in May 2021, Shell announced the sales of its Anacortes, Washington, US refinery as well as the controlling interest in the joint venture Deer Park, Texas, refinery. The company also sold its chemical refinery in Mobile, Alabama.

  It also plans to halve the capacity at its Pulau Bukom oil refinery in Singapore. The transaction, to be executed by Shell Deutschland GmbH, would not have any impact on other interests of Shell in Germany, the statement said.

  Raw materials inventories will be valued at closing, based on actual volumes and prevailing market prices, said Shell, estimating a sum of between USD150-250 million.

  Rosneft holds 54.17% and Eni 8.33% in PCK (Petrolchemisches Kombinat) Schwedt, which lies some 120 kilometres (km) northeast of Berlin. It currently processes 220,000 barrels of oil a day, Shell said.

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