
   2021-04-02 互联网讯


核心提示:     据油田技术3月31日消息称,PGNiG和Naftogaz集团签署了一份关于合作勘探乌克兰油气资源和天然气生



    PGNiG SA管理委员会副总裁Robert Perkowski说:“乌克兰是欧洲天然气储量最大的国家之一,对PGNiG这样的上游公司来说,乌克兰具有非常有吸引力的增长潜力。我们对乌克兰西部的天然气生产开发特别感兴趣,该地区与我们已经生产天然气几十年的地区相邻。现有资料证明,该地区具有较高的储层潜力。我们的合作伙伴还拥有丰富的经验和宝贵的地质数据。因此,两家公司的潜在合作可能会增加乌克兰西部地区的天然气产量。从我们公司的发展角度来看,这将有利于加强中欧和东欧的能源安全。”


    Naftogaz集团首席运营官Otto Waterlander说:“通过吸引国际合作伙伴,我们加快了释放乌克兰资源潜力的步伐。PGNiG是一家在波兰和国外拥有高标准和成功的勘探和生产活动业绩的上市公司。特别是,PGNiG在与乌克兰部分接壤的地区已证明取得了成就。我相信,我们将能够实现互利的协同效应,这将有助于Naftogaz的战略目标——通过推动乌克兰天然气产量,帮助乌克兰在未来10年内实现能源独立。”

    朱佳妮 摘译自 油田技术


    PGNiG and Naftogaz sign E&P MoU

    PGNiG and the Naftogaz Group have signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding cooperation in exploration of hydrocarbon resources and gas production in Ukraine.

    A potential cooperation will focus on the region which, in geological terms, is an extension of structures exploited by the Polish company for over 70 years.

    "Ukraine, which has one of the largest gas reserves in Europe, offers a very attractive growth potential for upstream companies like PGNiG. We are particularly interested in gas production development in Western Ukraine, the region bordering to the area where we have already been producing natural gas for several decades. The available data proves a high reservoir potential of this region. Our partner also has extensive experience and valuable geological data. Therefore, a potential cooperation between two companies may lead to increasing of natural gas production in the western part of Ukraine. It will be beneficial from the point of view of development of our companies, as well as for strengthening energy security in Central and Eastern Europe," Robert Perkowski, Vice-President of the Management Board of PGNiG SA, Chief Operating Officer said.

    PGNiG's contribution to a potential cooperation will include, among others, competences in the advanced gas exploration methods, such as three-dimensional seismic survey, the results of which the company has been using for years in well designing. These methods enabled PGNiG to discover new gas reserves in the region in Poland. PGNiG expects that the use of these technologies in Ukraine may bring similar results.

    "By attracting international partners, we intensify the pace of releasing Ukraine’s resource potential. PGNiG is a public company with high standards and successful track record of exploration and production activities both in Poland and abroad. In particular, PGNiG has proven achievements in the region bordering the Ukrainian part. I am confident that together we will be able to achieve mutually beneficial synergy that will contribute to Naftogaz' strategic goal -- to help Ukraine achieve energy independence within the next 10 years by driving its natural gas production volumes," said Otto Waterlander, Chief Operating Officer of the Naftogaz Group.

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