
   2023-05-22 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据管道天然气杂志网5月17日报道,美国最大的两家化石燃料公司雪佛龙公司(Chevron Corp.)和埃克森美孚公司(E

据管道&天然气杂志网5月17日报道,美国最大的两家化石燃料公司雪佛龙公司(Chevron Corp.)和埃克森美孚公司(Exxon Mobil Corp.)正在寻求澳大利亚对碳捕集与封存(CCS)和氢项目的支持,因为它们希望增加投资,以降低碳排放强度。


雪佛龙澳大利亚公司能源转型部门总经理David Fallon在澳大利亚石油生产和勘探协会(APPEA)会议上表示,支持不仅仅是金钱,还需要政治支持。






埃克森美孚亚太地区低碳解决方案总裁Irtiza H Sayyed也在会议上表示,“澳大利亚实际上处于非常有利的地位,只要我们有正确的政策来支持实现。为了让长期投资有意义,我们需要有可预测的政策支持”。

日本最大的油气勘探公司Inpex Corp.和澳大利亚最大的独立天然气生产商伍德赛德能源公司(Woodside Energy Group)的高管也推动了政策支持的确定性。

Inpex高级副总裁Bill Townsend表示,“澳大利亚相关部门决策者似乎出于某种原因对这项技术持怀疑态度。感觉是他们不太支持这项技术”。



郝芬 译自 管道&天然气杂志网


Chevron, Exxon Seek State Backing for Australia Carbon Capture, Hydrogen Projects

Chevron Corp. and Exxon Mobil Corp., the two largest U.S. fossil fuel companies, are seeking Australia's backing for carbon capture and storage (CCS) and hydrogen projects as they look to increase investment in a bid to slash intensity of carbon emissions.

Scaling up CCS projects and generation of hydrogen from renewable energy are crucial for Australia, the world's largest exporter of LNG, to wean its economy off carbon, even as it seeks to meet LNG demand from top buyers such as Japan and South Korea.

"Support doesn't just need to be dollars but it's that political support," David Fallon, general manager of energy transition at Chevron Australia, said at the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) conference.

Australia aims to cut carbon emissions by 43% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050. It is home to the world's largest commercial CCS project, Gorgon, run by Chevron, which has struggled to hit capacity.

Fallon pointed to how Chevron was prioritising CCS investment in the United States because of favourable policy measures such as tax credits.

"That marginal dollar that you're looking to spend at the end of your budget, that will make a difference," Fallon said.

Australia announced its own plans to scale up its offshore CCS capability on Tuesday, following big incentives by the United States, and Britain's $24 billion commitment in such projects over the next two decades.

A CCS process captures carbon dioxide (CO2) generated from industrial activity, transports it, and then stores it underground.

"Australia is actually in a very advantageous position, as long as I think we have the right policies that will enable that," Irtiza H Sayyed, president of ExxonMobil's low carbon solutions in Asia Pacific, also said at the conference.

"For long-term investments to make sense, we need to have predictable policy," Sayyed said.

Executives from Inpex Corp., Japan's biggest oil and natural gas explorer, and Australia's top independent gas producer Woodside Energy Group also pushed for policy certainty.

"Ministers, senior ministers, and governments seem to be quite skeptical of the technology for whatever reason. The feeling is that they're not so supportive of it," said Bill Townsend, senior vice president at Inpex.

Separately, Australia announced in its annual budget last week it would invest A$2 billion to scale up development of its green hydrogen industry.

"We should be thinking about the cheapest form that we can get. It stands to reason that would be blue hydrogen," Townsend said. Blue hydrogen is produced from natural gas with carbon emissions removed via CCS.

"If you want to stimulate that and get hydrogen into the mix, it has to be economically attractive."

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