
   2023-05-25 互联网综合消息







虽然欧洲人可能不太喜欢长期交易,但亚洲出于能源转型所需肯定喜欢液化天然气长协交易。 石油巨头们也不愿意把液化天然气卖给不喜欢长期交易的欧洲市场。




据彭博新闻社报道,印度最大液化天然气进口商Petronet LNG首席执行官阿克沙伊·库马尔·辛格5月早些时候曾表示:“消费国得到的教训是,不能以现货价格为基础经营业务。”“展望未来,我们将看到很多由不同利益相关者签署的长期合同。”






李峻 编译自 油价网


The Race To Secure Long-Term LNG Contracts

·     Liquefied natural gas inventories may be at a record high due to weak demand, but importers around the world are looking to secure long-term contracts.

·     The surge in the spot market last year has highlighted the importance of energy security to importers, especially importers in Asia.

·     As more LNG is locked up in long-term deals, European importers who are reluctant to sign on to long-term deals may find themselves paying much higher prices.

Global LNG inventories may be at a record high amid weak demand but serious buyers are looking forward and sealing long-term supply deals to secure enough LNG for the future without exposing themselves to the fickle spot market.

While Europeans may not be huge fans of long-term deals because of their transition plans, Asians definitely like their long-term LNG deals. And so do the supermajors that will then sell this LNG to long-term-averse Europeans.

Since the start of the year, long-term deals worth some 13 million tons annually have been closed, according to Wood Mackenzie, with momentum from last year carrying over to this year. Last year, the research firm said, some 81 million tons annually of LNG were contracted under long-term supply deals.

India is another big LNG buyer with a taste for long-term supply security. Bloomberg reported this week that energy importers on the subcontinent were on the hunt for long-term deals to reduce exposure to price fluctuations and were in talks with producers from the Middle East.

The rush comes after last year’s surge in spot market LNG prices after the European Union rushed to secure as much of the fuel as it could, pushing international prices so high some countries were forced to switch from gas to coal for energy generation because they couldn’t afford the gas in liquefied form.

“The lesson learned by the consumers is that they can’t run the business based on spot,” Akshay Kumar Singh, chief executive of Petronet LNG, said earlier this month, as quoted by Bloomberg. “Going forward, we will be finding a lot of long-term contracts signed by different stakeholders.”

Japan is also a big buyer of LNG. The energy-poor country is almost entirely dependent on imports for its energy consumption, and LNG is a big part of the import mix. Because of that, Japan is the world’s largest LNG importer, retaking the top spot last year even though total LNG imports declined slightly.

Qatar is a popular destination for LNG buyers, and so is Oman, according to Wood Mackenzie. The latter has seen a number of long-term deals sealed in the past few months, with buyers including Japanese utilities, the supermajors, and a Turkish one.

As a result of this renewed interest, the research firm noted, prices are on the rise. Long-term LNG contracts are normally indexed to Brent crude prices, and in 2020 and 2021, the average pricing was some 10% of the benchmark per 1 million British thermal units. Now, sellers are asking for 12.5% of Brent and above, with some deals reaching 17%, Wood Mackenzie reports.

The more LNG is locked in long-term contracts, however, the less LNG there is on the spot market, which suggests prices may see another surge at some point as contracts expiring in three to four years are currently being replaced with new ones.

Asian importers who are serious about their energy security seem to dominate the long-term supply market, which leaves Europeans, who are serious about their transition to wind and solar, to pay higher prices for the gas they would continue needing in the meantime.

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