
   2023-03-16 互联网综合消息






这口被命名为Heisenberg的发现井是由Odfjell Drilling的深海斯塔万格半潜式钻机钻探的。


Equinor表示,这一发现被认为具有商业意义,部分原因是其可以利用与Troll B平台相连的现有基础设施。




Equinor西部勘探和生产高级副总裁Geir Sørtveit表示:“我们的Troll勘探项目一直在不断交付。随着九口探井中的八口的发现,我们的成功率接近90%。我们计划进一步勘探该地区,同时为已发现的发现寻找可能的开发解决方案。我们在该地区拥有良好的基础设施,可以迅速将具有竞争力的原油以低成本和低二氧化碳排放推向市场。”

之前的7个发现分别是:Echino South、Swisher、Røver North、Blasto、Toppand、Kveikje和Røver South。



郝芬 译自 OE


Equinor Makes 'Commercially Interesting' Offshore Oil and Gas Discovery in Norway

Norwegian oil and gas firm Equinor has made an oil and gas discovery near its Troll field in the North Sea, offshore Norway.

The company said this was its eighth discovery in the area since 2019.

According to Equinor, the volumes discovered are estimated at between 24 and 84 million barrels of oil equivalent, with slightly more oil than gas.

Named Heisenberg, the discovery well was drilled by Odfjell Drilling's Deepsea Stavanger semi-submersible drilling rig.

Equinor is the operator, and DNO is a partner.

"The discovery is considered commercially interesting, partly because it can utilize existing infrastructure connected to the Troll B platform," Equinor said.

However, an appraisal well is needed to get a more precise estimate of

the size before it can be concluded whether the volumes can be recovered.

Equinor and DNO are considering drilling the appraisal well in 2024.

The well, formally named Well 35/10-9, was drilled to a vertical depth of 1779 meters below sea level and a measured depth of 1809 meters.  The water depth at the site is 368 meters. The well has been permanently plugged and abandoned.

Geir Sørtveit, Equinor’s senior vice president for exploration and production west said: "Our Troll exploration play keeps delivering. With discoveries in eight out of nine exploration wells, we are approaching a success rate of 90%. We plan to further explore the area, while looking at possible development solutions for the discoveries that have been made. We have a good infrastructure in the area and can quickly bring competitive barrels from here to the market at low cost and with low CO2 emissions,"

The seven previous discoveries are: Echino South, Swisher, Røver North, Blasto, Toppand, Kveikje and Røver South.

Equinor plans to drill between 20-30 exploration wells each year going forward. Around 80 percent of the exploration wells will be drilled in known areas close to infrastructure, but new selected areas and ideas will be tested, Equinor said.

The Deepsea Stavanger drilling rig, which was used to drill the Heisenberg well, will now drill wildcat well 6406/5-2 in production licence 255B in the Norwegian Sea, where Equinor is the operator.

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