
   2022-09-29 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据离岸工程网9月28日报道,巴西石油天然气公司巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)与吉宝船厂(Keppel Shipyard

据离岸工程网9月28日报道,巴西石油天然气公司巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)与吉宝船厂(Keppel Shipyard)签署了一份P-83浮式生产储油船(FPSO)的建造合同,这是由于巴西桑托斯盆地盐前地区布齐奥斯油田开发项目的推进。


在周三的另一份声明中,吉宝表示,该订单价值约28亿美元。这是继巴西石油公司今年8月订购FPSO P-80之后,吉宝再次订购。吉宝表示,P-83在规格和执行方法上将与P-80相同。

寿琳玲 编译自 离岸工程


Keppel scores $2.8 bln worth FPSO order with Petrobras

Brazil’s oil and gas company Petrobras has signed a contract with Keppel Shipyard for the construction of the P-83 FPSO, as a result of the advancement of the Búzios field development project, in the Santos Basin pre-salt area off Brazil.

As detailed by Petrobras in a statement on Wednesday, the P-83 will be able to produce up to 225 thousand barrels of oil per day (bpd), process up to 12 million m3 of gas per day, and store more than 1.6 million barrels. It will be among the largest floating production units in the world.

In a separate statement on Wednesday, Keppel said that the order is worth about $2.8 billion. This is a repeat order for Keppel following the order for FPSO P-80 placed by Petrobras in August this year. The P-83 will be identical to the P-80 in specifications and execution methodology, Keppel said.

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