
   2022-08-08 互联网综合消息






加拿大帝国商业银行私人财富管理(CIBC Private Wealth Management)高级能源交易员丽贝卡•巴宾表示:“原油价格在一周内突破多个技术位,这对超级周期的信徒来说是一场血洗。”“然而,这一行动表明,这更像是买家罢工,而不是有意义的减仓,因为买家在围绕需求的整体情况好转之前会满足于袖手旁观。”


李峻 编译自 彭博新闻社


Oil and Gasoline Futures Down Over 10% on the Week

Oil posted the biggest weekly decline since early April on growing signs that a global economic slowdown is curbing demand. Prices are near the lowest level in six months.

West Texas Intermediate settled at $89 a barrel, ending the week nearly 10% lower. US gasoline consumption has dropped, stoking demand concerns, while low liquidity has added to volatility. Supplies from one certain member of OPEC also picked up, helping to shrink key oil futures time-spreads and ease the tightness in the market.  

The pullback is evident across the oil market. Gasoline futures are down 18% this week. Meanwhile, physical oil differentials have narrowed and Brent’s prompt spread -- the difference between its two nearest contracts and a gauge of supply -- shrunk to $1.73 a barrel in backwardation, down from more than $6 a week ago.

“Crude broke several technical levels in a week that has been a bloodbath for super-cycle believers,” said Rebecca Babin, a senior energy trader at CIBC Private Wealth Management. “The action, however, indicates that this was more of a buyers’ strike than meaningful position reduction, as buyers are content to sit on the sidelines until the broader narrative around demand improves.”

After surging in the first five months of the year, crude’s rally has been thrown into reverse, with losses deepening this month after declines in June and July. The selloff, which has been exacerbated by below-average trading volumes, may alleviate some of the inflationary pressures coursing through the global economy that have spurred central banks including the US Federal Reserve to hike rates. 

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