
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:  据道琼斯新西兰惠灵顿8月9日消息,新西兰唯一一家炼油厂的股东批准了一项将其改造为汽油进口终端的计划


  新西兰炼油公司运营的Marsden Point炼油厂满足了该国约70%的汽油、航空燃料和柴油需求,但由于利润率低以及来自亚洲规模更大、效率更高的炼油厂的竞争,该炼油厂已变得不具经济效益。疫情加速了富裕国家老旧炼油厂的关闭,而印度等国则提高了炼油产能。




  张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯


  New Zealand's Oil Refinery Set to Convert Into import Terminal

  New Zealand will stop refining crude oil from next year after shareholders in the country's sole refinery greenlighted a plan to convert it to a gasoline-import terminal, stirring debate about fuel security.

  The Marsden Point refinery operated by New Zealand Refining Co. meets about 70% of the country's gasoline, jet fuel and diesel needs but has become uneconomic due to low margins and competition from larger, more efficient refineries in Asia. The pandemic has accelerated the closure of older refineries in wealthy countries, while countries such as  India increase refining capacity.

  Shareholders in the refinery, which include its main customers such as Z Energy Ltd. and Exxon Mobil Corp., voted nearly unanimously on Friday to convert it into an import terminal. Z Energy has said the change will free up 150 million New Zealand dollars (US$106 million) for its business, some of which will be returned to shareholders.

  Most of the refinery's 300 employees will lose their jobs and unions have expressed alarm at the loss of what they consider a strategic national asset and the possible implications for long-term fuel security.

  New Zealand is reliant on imported crude and the end of the refining in the country will mean that its dependence shifts to a reliance on imported refined fuels instead.

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