
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据烃加工新闻8月10日消息称,阿布扎比国家石油公司 (ADNOC) 与 Fertiglobe 合作,将蓝氨出售给日本出

   据烃加工新闻8月10日消息称,阿布扎比国家石油公司 (ADNOC) 与 Fertiglobe 合作,将蓝氨出售给日本出光,用于其炼油和石化业务。此次销售建立在最近宣布的联合努力之上,以加强阿联酋和日本之间的产业合作,支持开发新的阿联酋-日本蓝色氨供应链,并且是继阿联酋蓝氨货物首次出售给伊藤忠之后。

  Fertiglobe 是 OCI 和 ADNOC 之间持股58:42的合作伙伴关系,将在其位于阿布扎比鲁韦斯工业园区的 Fertil 工厂生产蓝氨,然后交付给 ADNOC 在日本的客户。这批货物以比灰氨更有吸引力的溢价出售,突显出蓝氨作为一种新兴的低碳能源的经济优势。这是阿布扎比扩大蓝色氨生产能力计划的又一个生产里程碑,预计将包括Fertil的低成本去瓶颈项目。此外,Fertiglobe在6月宣布,将与ADNOC和ADQ合作,在鲁韦斯的TA 'ZIZ建设一个新的全球规模的100万吨/年的蓝氨项目,该项目有待监管机构批准。


  朱佳妮 摘译自 烃加工新闻


  ADNOC to unlock new opportunities for blue ammonia in refining and petrochemicals

  The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) partnered with Fertiglobe for the sale of blue ammonia to Idemitsu in Japan, for use in its refining and petrochemicals operations. The sale builds upon recently announced joint efforts to enhance industrial cooperation between the UAE and Japan and support the development of new UAE-Japan blue ammonia supply chains and follows the first sale of UAE blue ammonia cargos to Itochu.

  Fertiglobe, a 58:42 partnership between OCI and ADNOC, will produce blue ammonia at its Fertil plant in the Ruwais Industrial Complex in Abu Dhabi for delivery to ADNOC’s customers in Japan. The shipment, which was sold at an attractive premium to grey ammonia, underscores the favorable economics for blue ammonia as an emerging source of low-carbon energy. It represents a further production milestone of a planned scale-up of blue ammonia production capabilities in Abu Dhabi, which is expected to include a low-cost debottlenecking program at Fertil. In addition, it was announced in June that Fertiglobe will join ADNOC and ADQ as a partner in a new world-scale 1 million metric tons per annum blue ammonia project at TA’ZIZ in Ruwais, subject to regulatory approvals.

  Ammonia can be used as a low-carbon fuel across a wide range of industrial applications, including transportation, power generation, refining and industries including steel, wastewater treatment, cement and fertilizer production. For Japan, in particular, hydrogen and its carrier fuels, such as blue ammonia, are expected to play an important role in the country’s ongoing industrial decarbonization efforts. Idemitsu will use the cargo to pilot the use of blue ammonia to decarbonize its refinery operations.

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