
   2021-07-08 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油价网2021年6月29日报道,美国石油学会(API)周二公布的统计数据显示,截至6月25日当周,美国原油库



  前一周,API报告美国原油库存减少了719.9万桶,此前分析师曾预测减少394.2万桶。 根据API的数据,自2021年初以来,美国原油库存减少了3700多万桶,但自2020年1月以来仍增加了1900万桶。

  美国东部时间6月29日下午3:31,WTI在交易中每桶上涨了0.36美元(上涨了0.49%),至73.27美元,数据发布前,本周每桶仅上涨了0.20美元。 布伦特原油价格当日上涨至每桶74.96美元,本周基本持平。

  据美国能源信息署(EIA)最新数据,尽管本周原油库存再度下降,但截至6月18日当周美国原油产量也下滑至日均1110万桶。 这比前一周下降了10万桶/天。

  李峻 编译自 油价网


  U.S. Oil Inventories Fall For Sixth Straight Week

  The American Petroleum Institute (API) on Tuesday reported a draw in crude oil inventories of 8.153-million barrels for the week ending June 25.

  Analysts had predicted a draw of 4.686 million barrels for the week.

  In the previous week, the API reported a draw in oil inventories of 7.199 million barrels after analysts had predicted a draw of 3.942 million barrels. Crude oil inventories have fallen by more than 37 million barrels since the start of 2021, according to API data, but are still up 19 million barrels since January 2020.

  At 3:31 p.m. EST, WTI was trading up $0.36 (+0.49%) at $73.27 prior to the data release—up just $0.20 per barrel on the week. Brent crude was trading up for the day at $74.96—essentially flat on the week.

  While crude oil inventories fell again this week, U.S. oil production also slipped to an average of 11.1 million bpd for the week ending June 18, according to the latest data from the Energy Information Administration. This is down 100,000 bpd from the week prior.

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