
   2021-07-05 互联网讯


核心提示:   据ICIS网站6月25日消息 在丹麦能源技术开发和示范计划 (EUDP) 获得近 1100万欧元的资金后,世界上第一

   据ICIS网站6月25日消息 在丹麦能源技术开发和示范计划 (EUDP) 获得近 1100万欧元的资金后,世界上第一个工业动态绿色氨示范厂的计划于周五得到推动。

  在三个合作伙伴:Skovgaard Invest、Vestas和Haldor Topsoe的支持下,丹麦项目包括建设一个直接与风能和太阳能耦合的 10兆瓦绿色氨厂。

  该最先进的设施将于2023年在西日德兰岛投产,与澳大利亚、沙特阿拉伯和智利等国的大型项目相比,规模较小,将产生高达 5000吨/年的绿色氨。

  Haldor Topse在新闻发布会上表示:“由可再生能源生产的绿色氨是一种优秀的燃料和肥料,有可能取代大量化石燃料,有助 于加速向可再生能源驱动的世界过渡。”


  王磊 摘译自 ICIS


  World's first dynamic green ammonia demo plant in Denmark gets funding boost

  Plans for the world's first industrial dynamic green ammonia demonstration plant received a boost on Friday after the Danish Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP) awarded nearly €11m of funding.

  Backed by three partners - Skovgaard Invest, Vestas, and Haldor Topsoe - the Danish project comprises the construction of a 10MW green ammonia plant directly coupled to wind and solar power.

  Due to launch in Western Jutland by 2023, the state-of-the-art facility - which is small-scale compared to huge projects in countries like Australia, Saudi Arabia and Chile - will generate up to 5,000 tonnes/year of green ammonia.

  "Green ammonia, produced from renewable energy, is an excellent fuel and fertilizer that can potentially replace significant volumes of fossil fuels and help accelerate the transition to a world powered by renewable energy," Haldor Topse said in a news release.

  "The dynamic approach entails that the clean power from wind turbines and solar panels will be connected directly to the electrolysis unit making it more cost-effective than if involving a battery or hydrogen storage."

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