
   2021-06-11 互联网讯


核心提示:   据天然气加工新闻网6月2日报道,日前,巴拿马总统洛伦蒂诺·科尔蒂索(Laurentino Cortizo)宣布,在这

   据天然气加工新闻网6月2日报道,日前,巴拿马总统洛伦蒂诺·科尔蒂索(Laurentino Cortizo)宣布,在这个中美洲国家寻求增加清洁能源份额之际,将建造一座耗资10亿美元的天然气发电厂。


  政府消息人士告诉路透社,该工厂将在 2023 年末或 2024 年初开始运营。

  据一份声明称,由私营公司 InterEnergy Group 和 AES Panama 以及政府组成的财团巴拿马能源天然气集团(Consortium Consorcio Group Energy Gas Panama),将负责该工厂的建设、开发和运营。

  Cortizo 补充道,政府不会提供资金。

  根据 InterEnergy Group 的预测,Gatun 将创造 3,000 多个直接和数千个间接工作岗位。

  郝芬 译自 天然气加工新闻网


  Panama announces plans for $1 B natural gas plant

  Panama's President Laurentino Cortizo announced the construction of a $1 billion plant for electricity generation using natural gas as the Central American country seeks to increase its share of cleaner energy.

  Called Gatun, the plant will be located at Isla Telfers near the port of colon, on the opposite end of the Panama Canal from the nation's capital Panama City, and have the capacity to produce 670 megawatts, Cortizo said.

  Government sources told Reuters that the plant would start operations in late 2023 or early 2024.

  Consortium Consorcio Group Energy Gas Panama, made up of private companies InterEnergy Group and AES Panama as well as the government, will be responsible for the construction, development and operation of the plant, a statement said.

  Cortizo added that the government would not provide capital.

  Gatun will generate more than 3,000 direct and another thousands indirect jobs, according to a forecast by InterEnergy Group.

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