JX Nippon以15亿美元出售英国北海油气田资产

   2021-06-02 互联网讯


核心提示:   据路透社5月25日伦敦报道,5位银行业消息人士透露,日本最大的石油化工公司JX Nippon希望出售其英国北

   据路透社5月25日伦敦报道,5位银行业消息人士透露,日本最大的石油化工公司JX Nippon希望出售其英国北海油气资产,包括该盆地一些最大油田的股权,交易价格可能高达15亿美元。


  消息人士称,JX Nippon已聘请美国银行与柯克·洛夫格罗夫投资银行作为资产组合销售顾问,资产组合包括JX Nippon分别与BP、道达尔、挪威国家石油公司合作的安德鲁油田、卡尔津油田、马里纳油田项目。


  JX Nippon网站消息显示,在马里纳油田和卡尔津油田2019年投产前,其资产组合内的油田2018年属于JX Nippon的净日产量为6500桶油当量。

  JX Nippon公司2002年进入北海盆地收购油气田,并在随后几年内获得了勘探许可证。

  JX Nippon未立即发表评论,而美国银行与柯克·洛夫格罗夫投资银行均拒绝发表评论。

  詹乐乾 摘译自路透社


  JX Nippon seeks $1.5 billion for UK North Sea oil, gas fields

  Japan's JX Nippon wants to sell its British North Sea oil and gas assets including stakes in some of the basin's biggest fields in a deal that could fetch up to $1.5 billion, five banking sources said.

  The sale is the latest deal in the North Sea marking the handover of assets from oil majors to private companies, which say they can better exploit remaining reserves than huge companies focusing on the energy transition.

  JX Nippon has hired Bank of America and Kirk Lovegrove as advisers for the sale of the portfolio, which includes stakes in the Andrew, Culzean and Mariner projects where JX Nippon partners with BP, Total and Equinor respectively, the sources said.

  Culzean, with its 300 million barrels of reserves, can cover 5% of Britain's gas needs alone, according to Total.

  The fields produced a net 6,500 barrels of oil equivalent per day for JX Nippon in 2018, before the start of Mariner and Culzean in 2019, according to its website.

  JX Nippon entered the basin in 2002 and bought more fields, as well as being awarded exploration licences, in the years after.

  JX Nippon had no immediate comment, while Bank of America and Kirk Lovegrove declined to comment.

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