
   2021-05-06 互联网讯


核心提示:   据管道油气杂志5月5日消息,切尼尔能源公司和壳牌公司合作,从切尼尔的萨宾关口液化设施向欧洲运送了






  "在Cheniere,我们专注于测量、减少和缓解排放,Cheniere的这批碳中和货物突出了我们在整个LNG价值链中测量和缓解排放的努力,"Cheniere执行副总裁兼首席商务官Anatol Feygin说。"我们感谢与壳牌公司在这项工作中的合作,感谢我们对改善环境绩效和最大限度地提高Cheniere公司液化天然气的气候效益的互利承诺。"



  尹路 编译自 管道油气杂志


  Cheniere and Shell collaborate to deliver carbon-neutral US LNG to Europe

  Cheniere Energy and Shell have collaborated to deliver a carbon-neutral liquified natural gas (LNG) cargo to Europe from Cheniere’s Sabin Pass Liquefaction Facility.

  The companies worked together to offset the full lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions associated with the LNG cargo by retiring nature-based offsets to account for the estimated carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions produced through the entire value chain, from production through use by the final consumer (all scopes2).

  Credits used were purchased from Shell’s global portfolio of nature-based projects with Cheniere purchasing the portion attributable to estimated CO2e emissions associated with activities upstream of the Freight on Board (FOB) delivery point, including production and liquefaction.

  Nature-based projects protect, transform or restore land and enable nature to add oxygen and absorb more CO2 emissions from the atmosphere. Each carbon offset is subject to a third-party verification process and represents the avoidance or removal of 1 tonne of CO2e. These projects also have additional benefits for local communities, such as funding new schools or fresh water supplies.

  “We are very happy to be collaborating with Cheniere on this opportunity,” said Steve Hill, Executive Vice President, Shell Energy. “It is great to see more producers offsetting their GHG emissions to meet the increasing demand for carbon-neutral LNG. Using high quality nature-based offsets to compensate for emissions that cannot be avoided or reduced is an important step as we find more ways to reduce emissions across the LNG value chain.”

  “At Cheniere, we’re focused on measuring, reducing and mitigating emissions, and this first carbon-neutral cargo for Cheniere highlights our efforts to measure and mitigate emissions throughout the LNG value chain,” said Anatol Feygin, EVP and Chief Commercial Officer of Cheniere. “We are thankful for our collaboration with Shell in this effort and for our mutually beneficial commitments to improving environmental performance and maximising the climate benefits of Cheniere’s LNG.”

  The transition to a low-carbon energy future requires a range of solutions across the global energy system, from electricity generation to industry and transport. LNG plays its role by providing a readily available source of gas for use in these sectors, bringing the benefits of being the cleanest-burning hydrocarbon, producing half the greenhouse gas emissions and less than one-tenth of the air pollutants of coal.

  To decarbonise LNG, all levers will need to be pulled. Lower-emission LNG production, methane management and using carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies are all different ways to lower emissions along the value chain. While these technologies develop at scale, what we can do today is to use the best quality nature-based offsets to compensate for emissions along the LNG value chain.

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