
   2021-03-30 互联网讯


核心提示:     据化工周刊3月25日报道,据能源巨头埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)称,位于英国莫斯莫兰(Mossmorran)




    Fife乙烯厂裂解乙烷。该厂位于壳牌公司的Fife天然气和液体设施旁边,在向裂解炉供应原料之前,处理北海来料。这两个设施与布拉福湾(Braefoot Bay)海运终端有管道连接,在那里产品装船出口。

    根据公司年度数据显示,埃克森美孚和壳牌在Fife乙烯厂的产能五五分。埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)计划出售价值超过10亿美元的英国北海中部和北部上游资产,但打算保留北海南部的非经营性资产以及在壳牌埃索天然气和液体系统(Shell Esso gas and liquids system)中的份额,该系统将天然气和液体输送至摩斯莫兰(Mossmorran)。

    郝芬 译自 化工周刊


    ExxonMobil to take UK ethane cracker offstream for upgrade

    ongoing upgrades at the 830,000-metric tons/year Fife ethylene plant at Mossmorran, UK, are poised to enter their "main phase" in the coming weeks, necessitating a temporary shutdown in early April, according to operator ExxonMobil. The plant is currently undergoing a £140-million ($192 million) program to modernize key infrastructure and introduce new technologies, in a bid to improve operational reliability and performance. A new, elevated flare tip will reduce the noise impact of flaring.

    "[T]o safely complete the project, we will shut our plant for a few weeks from early April," ExxonMobil said in an information leaflet on its local website.

    When first revealing the project in fall 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, ExxonMobil had indicated that the overhaul would last through 2020.

    The Fife ethylene plant cracks ethane. The unit sits next to Shell's Fife natural gas and liquids facility, which treats incoming North Sea streams, before supplying feedstock to the cracker. The two facilities have pipeline links to the Braefoot Bay marine terminal, where products are loaded onto ships for export.

    Annual company figures indicate that ExxonMobil and Shell share capacity in the Fife ethylene plant on a 50/50 basis. ExxonMobil plans to sell UK central and northern North Sea upstream assets worth more than $1 billion, but it intends to retain non-operated assets in the southern North Sea as well as its share in the Shell Esso gas and liquids system that brings natural gas liquids to Mossmorran.

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