
   2021-03-05 互联网讯


核心提示:     据能源转型新闻2021年3月3日休斯敦报道,美国最大的上市石油公司埃克森美孚公司(ExxonMobil)高管3




    李峻 编译自 能源转型新闻


    ExxonMobil slashes 2025 production outlook as it focuses on Permian, Guyana

    ExxonMobil has slashed its 2025 global oil and gas production estimate to 3.7 million boe/d, even as it focuses on growing output at the Permian Basin and in Guyana, the company's top executives said March 3.

    Production will remain flat from 2020 levels through 2025 at 3.7 million boe/d, the company said during its Investor Day 2021 webcast. That is down from the 5 million boe/d production estimate for 2025 ExxonMobil released last year in its 2020 Investor Day, just as the coronavirus was beginning to take its toll on global oil demand and prices.

    While global production will remain flat, the company's operations in Guyana and the Permian Basin will ramp up over the next several years.

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