
   2021-02-21 互联网讯


核心提示:     据油价网2021年2月17日吉隆坡报道,由于新获得的重要天然气发现可能会提高国内本已很高的产量水平


    今年2月份,泰国国家石油公司(PTT)旗下的勘探和生产公司(PTTEP)宣布在马来西亚海岸以外海域获得了迄今为止最大的天然气发现。这一重大天然气发现是PTTEP与科威特对外石油勘探公司(KUFPEC)和马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas )旗下的海外作业公司 Petronas Carigali Sdn合作获得的。

    PTTEP是在SK 410B区块的Lang Lebah-1RDR2获得这个重要天然气发现的。这个距离马来西亚沙捞越海岸约90公里的区块在2019年开始勘探作业。发现井在钻至4320米深度时发现了600米厚的天然气净产层,每天的天然气流量约为5000万立方英尺。这一流量远高于最初的估计,显示出马来西亚最大发现的潜在价值。

    KUFPEC首席执行官Shaikh Nawaf Saud Al-Sabah表示,“这一世界级的成功天然气发现证明了我们坚定的努力,通过在高产盆地勘探油气最大化股东们的价值。”

    李峻 编译自 油价网


    Malaysia Makes Major Natural Gas Find As Prices Soar

    Malaysia is showing promise for the oil and gas industry as new natural gas finds could boost already high production levels and improve export potential in Southeast Asia.

    This February, Thailand’s PTT Exploration & Production (PTTEP) announced its biggest gas find to date, off the coast of Malaysia. The discovery was made in partnership with Kuwait’s KUFPEC and Malaysia’s Petronas Carigali Sdn. Bhd.

    The discovery was made in Lang Lebah-1RDR2, in the SK 410B Block, where exploration first commenced in 2019, around 90km off the shore of Sarawak, Malaysia. The company drilled to 4,320 metres, finding 600 metres of net gas pay, with a flow rate of around 50 million cubic feet of gas daily. This flow is far higher than initial estimates, showing the potential value of Malaysia’s biggest find.

    KUFPEC CEO Shaikh Nawaf Saud Al-Sabah stated of the find, "This successful world-class gas discovery is a testament to our steadfast efforts to maximise the value to our shareholder by exploring for hydrocarbons in highly prolific basins”.

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