
   2021-03-03 中国石化新闻网


核心提示:    通讯员 据3月2日Neftegaz.RU.报道,卡塔尔石油公司宣布将授予三星EPC合同,扩大位于Ras Laffan工业

    通讯员 据3月2日Neftegaz.RU.报道,卡塔尔石油公司宣布将授予三星EPC合同,扩大位于Ras Laffan工业城的液化天然气储存和装载设施,作为North Field East(NFE)项目的一部分。

    卡塔尔石油公司首席执行官Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi表示,该合同规定扩建现有基础设施,以确保液化天然气货物安全装载和准时交付到全球各地的客户手中。







    王佳晶 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU.


    Samsung wins $2 billion EPC contract for Qatar Petroleum′s LNG storage and loading facilities

    Qatar Petroleum announces the award of the EPC contract to Samsung for the expansion of the LNG storage and loading facilities located within Ras Laffan Industrial City as part of the North Field East (NFE) Project.

    Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, CEO of Qatar Petroleum, said:

    This contract provides for the expansion of existing infrastructure required to ensure the safe loading and on-time delivery of our LNG cargoes to our international customers across the globe

    Its scope includes 3 LNG tanks and 3 LNG loading berths for NFE, and options for 2 LNG tanks and 1 LNG berth for NFS project and all associated pipes, lines and loading lines

    We look forward to working with Samsung to deliver this important component of the North Field Expansion project in a safe, timely and efficient manner

    I am delighted that the detailed engineering activities under the contract will take place in Qatar, thus leveraging the growing technical capabilities for the development of major projects in the country

    The contract, valued at more than $2 billion, was awarded on a lump sum basis and is the 2nd major onshore EPC contract award for the NFE project.

    On February 8, 2021, QP awarded the EPC contract for the construction of 4 LNG mega-trains with associated facilities to Chiyoda Technip Joint Venture.

    The award of this contract for the expansion of the LNG storage and loading facilities represents yet another important milestone on the road to substantially increase the Qatar’s LNG production capacity.

    Both contracts represent the culmination of front-end engineering and design work that began in early 2018.

    When completed, the NFE Project will increase the Qatar’s LNG production capacity from 77 million to 110 tonnes per annum (MTPA).

    The 2nd phase of the planned LNG expansion, the North Field South (NFS) Project, will further increase Qatar’s LNG production capacity from 110 MTPA to 126 MTPA by 2027.

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